About me

Vocation and calling in Jesus

Bernd Broschek

Christian, husband, family man, agency boss, author, mountaineer & man of the heart.

Walking with Jesus in all areas of my life


My journey to Jesus began at the age of 17, a turning point in my life that fundamentally changed my perspective and priorities. With a growing passion for the Word of God, I decided a little later to attend Bible school to deepen my understanding and relationship with Him. Today I serve as a preacher and passionately commit my life to Jesus. My faith has not only influenced my personal journey, but also my professional direction. I firmly believe that our calling is to build His Kingdom and be His disciples in all that we do, and I strive to put this into practice in my daily life and ministry.


As a Christian web designer, my vision is clear: I want to create websites for Christian projects and companies that are not only visible and aesthetically pleasing, but also reflect the message of the Gospel. Every design project is an opportunity for me to make the light and love of Christ visible in the online world, inspiring and connecting people.


The “Tirol Uganda Project” is not just an initiative, but a project close to my heart. I flew to Uganda with two close friends in 2023.

It was very important to me to be on site, to visit all three homes and schools personally and to see with my own eyes where help is most needed.

During our visit, we not only gave the children material things such as food, toothbrushes and school materials & Bibles, but also met great people and shared moments of laughter and joy.

We have invested in repairs to improve the school day for the children and purchased 29 hectares of land to provide a sustainable solution to the food problem.

Every step we took was driven by the desire to give these children a better future and hope in Jesus.

My community

As a Christian, I naturally also serve in a church here in Schwaz.

My orientation is difficult to categorize. I see myself or would like to be: very faithful to the Bible, with Jesus in focus and with the Holy Spirit on the way – a disciple of Jesus.

I love teaching his word and standing up for him in prayer and with other Christians.

Jesus is my Lord, my Redeemer, Savior and my King. I am forever grateful to him for that. The Holy Spirit is my counselor and guides me from day to day.

God’s word is binding for me and my guide for all areas of my life.